So you want to learn to play the ukulele?

What if… being “musical” wasn’t a pre-requisite for learning to play an instrument, and you could join in the proverbial “circle” of fun and music any time you wanted? 

What if… you could learn a few basic chords and begin to play many of the songs you love? 

What if… there wasn’t a hurdle of talent, skill, or practice you had to surmount before you could experience the fun of playing an instrument? 

What if… you knew the simplest and easiest ways to get started, and could get started TODAY?

If I can do it, so can you!

Hi, my name is Liz Wolfe and I am a ukulele evangelist. In the years I have been playing I have encouraged countless people just like you to experience the joy of playing the ukulele. 

A lot of people want to learn to play an instrument like the ukulele but are worried they “aren’t talented enough” or “aren’t musical.” You may also think it will take a lot of time or practice to “get good”.  You may be concerned that you aren’t as practiced as other people and won’t be able to keep up.  Or maybe you never learned to read music and think that will prevent you from learning to play.     

Although I had training as a singer, and did take piano lessons as a kid, I had many of the same concerns as you do.  I loved singing with other people and was always envious of the person with the guitar who seemed to be the source of all our enjoyment.  So upon occasion I would pick up a guitar to try to learn.  It seemed bulky and unwieldy, and my fingers hurt after just a couple of minutes of playing.  So I gave up.

Then one day a friend lent me his ukulele to try out. He showed me a few simple chords and to my delight, I found that it was easy to play.  Within just a couple of weeks, I had learned enough chords to play many of my favorite songs.  Since that time I have had ample opportunities to share my new love of the ukulele.  I’ve performed in a variety of venues as far away as Paris, I’ve gone busking for money in Central Park, I’ve led spontaneous sing-a-longs at peace rallies, and best of all I’ve sat amongst many groups of people creating an experience of community from the music we shared together.  

That is exactly what my course, "Learn the Ukulele: for fun and friendship!" was designed to do

  • - Start you off with three simple chords you can use in literally hundreds of songs

  • - Take you through a logical progression of learning new chords while reinforcing the ones you’ve already learned

  • - Use familiar and simple tunes that are easy to sing and learn

  • - Teach you strumming patterns that are adaptable to your skill and practice level

  • - Give solid advice about how to play with other musicians

  • -Instill a new sense of confidence in you

This program is for you if

  • You’d like to be able to play a musical instrument for fun

  • You want to play with others without feeling left behind

  • You want to gain confidence in yourself and learn a new skill

  • You just want to have FUN!

Still think you can't play?

The great thing about the ukulele is that no matter your skill or experience level, it is an accessible, fun and easy to learn instrument for everybody.  “Learn the Ukulele: for fun and friendship!” consists of easy to learn lessons which you can play again and again when you practice.  I play and sing right along with you.  I also provide a song book that contains additional songs based on each lesson.  So once you take each lesson, you can practice with other, similar songs.  Each song includes the chord charts so that you can refresh your memory as you play.

I assure you that after taking these fun, short lessons and practicing a few times, you’ll be able to join in at the next musical gathering with confidence.

Call me crazy, but I always carry two ukuleles when I am traveling or even just headed out to the park to play with friends.  Because I know that the ukulele is so easy to play, I literally can get people started within minutes playing on my extra ukulele.  

If they can do it, you can too!

One student told me, “I wish I had known how easy it was to play the ukulele years ago.  I feel like I wasted so much time thinking I wasn’t good enough to play.  Now I am enjoying being a part of many gatherings.”

Another woman who started my course said, “I’ve been using the book that goes with your course, which has gotten me re-excited about uke and is awesome! And I just watched the first lesson of the course. It’s fantastic! Thank you so much!”

Why my Class?

Learning the ukulele shouldn’t be stressful, it should be something you enjoy. That is what “Learn the Ukulele: for fun and friendship!” is all about: getting as many people to try the ukulele as possible through a simple and easy to learn techniques. My courses are designed for beginners, and I can have you playing the ukulele in just minutes.

For just $67, you can get started today. Click the button below to get started! If I can play, so too can you! Sign up to my easy to learn course, you can be on your way to playing a new instrument in just minutes! 

Sign up Today!

In just 15 minutes I can have you playing your first song