Develop a positive mindset to overcome your entrepreneurial challenges

Identify your mindset roadblocks. 

Strategize to keep your mindset working for you. 

Incorporate best practices to grow your business.

Are there times when you feel stuck and frustrated, even though you're really putting your heart into growing your business?

In the 25 years I've been coaching entrepreneurs, I've seen how we can set goals and make to-do lists until the cows come home. But if our mindset is stuck in negative and fearful thinking, those goals don't help us make progress. 

I've created this program to tackle the mindset challenges that are common among us, and give you a new perspective about how to be more productive, feel confident, and make more sales. 

My promise to you if you follow through with this program and take on each weekly challenge, you will develop a mindset that positions you to create an abundant business. 

This course is designed to completely shift your perspective on what it takes to create an abundant business (and life).

During the course you will:

  • Define your vision for your abundant business
  • Eliminate those "limiting conversations" that stop you in your tracks 
  • Turn fear into positive action 
  • Create simple approaches to achieve your goals
  • Use "failure" to your advantage
  • Get past your self-doubt and feel empowered to take action
  • Break the bonds of procrastination
  • Follow through on your projects to completion

"I was struggling to trust my expertise. Through Liz's program, I learned to focus on the value I bring to others.  I overcame my self-doubt and now I attract clients who appreciate me for who I am.  When I feel afraid to take action, I remind myself of my abundance vision and past successes, which gives me the affirmation that my business is on the right track.  I then feel free to take the next step." - Marylyn King,

Course curriculum

  • 1
    The Mindset Reset Program
    • Powerful Vision, Powerful Life!
    • The Critical Voice
    • Transforming Fear into Positive Action
    • Setting Goals vs. Creating Systems
    • The Myth of Failure and Mistakes
    • Overcoming Self-Doubt
    • Breaking the bonds of procrastination
    • Completion